ELECTION NOW POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 - Wicken Parish Council elections - could you be a councillor?

All town (and many parish councils) in Northamptonshire will have elections on Thursday 7 May 2020, and nominations for election close at the end of March 2020, so all candidates must complete the nomination process by then. These will coincide with elections to the new shadow unitary councils and also the election of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner. Having a combination of elections is useful because it means the costs are shared.

The current Wicken Parish councillors are:
Philip Ivens, Celina Franklin, Alan Cartwright, Marcus Rixon, Andrew Edmondson, Ian Howett, and Neil Gordon Lee (co-opted at the January meeting)
All will be standing for election.

The maximum size for Wicken is seven councillors, however we want to promote candidacy, particularly from ladies given the current gender imbalance. The more people who stand for election the better. Obviously if we have only 7 people wanting to be councillors then there is no need for an election. Serving councillors and the clerk are keen to encourage a contested election in May, and such an event could potentially add new blood and be healthy, democracy in action! Clearly a key factor in encouraging people to be candidates is demonstrating the relevance of the parish council. If people think it is just about dog pooh bins and waffle, then they are unlikely to want to become a councillor.
If on the other hand they understand that the Wicken Parish Council, in conjunction with the Solar Farm and Local Plan committees, can get important things done which make a real positive difference to people’s lives in Wicken then they may well. Recent examples include: the replacement storm drain in Leckhampstead Road, improved mobile reception, reducing speeding (speed camera), street lighting, ensuring development is in keeping with the village via the Local Plan, significant improvements to the Church, Village Hall and the Sports & Social Club.

The Parish Council meets every two months, with the meeting lasting typically 1.5 hours. So if you are interested in being a candidate please contact Valda Clapham the Parish Clerk; wickenclerk@outlook.com or 01908 571385