Tell us about the pharmacy services in your area

Northamptonshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments - Patient Survey

We are inviting you to tell us about pharmacy services in your area.

The services we are looking at include local services that you receive from pharmacies (or chemists). To do a good job, we need to regularly review what services we have, what our local people need, and how things might change in the future. This process is called a ‘pharmaceutical needs assessment’ and we are preparing one at the moment for Northamptonshire with the help of a company called Primary Care Commissioning (PCC) who specialise in this kind of work.

Many people call them chemists but in this survey we use the word pharmacy. By a pharmacy, we mean a place you would use to get a prescription or buy medicines which you can only buy from a pharmacy. We don’t mean the pharmacy at a hospital or the part of a pharmacy where you buy beauty products.

Your views are important to us so please spare a few minutes to complete our online questionnaire.

The results of our questionnaire will be published in the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment for Northamptonshire which Northamptonshire County Council will consult on later in the year.

If you would like more information about the questionnaire or have questions on how to complete the questionnaire, please email

This survey closes on 23rd August 2020.