Have your say on cycling and walking in Northamptonshire

We want to hear YOUR ideas for making Northants a better place for cycling, walking & maintaining social distancing.

Use our interactive map to log your suggestions for cycle routes, cycle parking, improved footway space and quieter streets

Click here to make cycling and walking safer in Northamptonshire

As Government Covid-19 lockdown procedures are adjusted, we want to hear your ideas for making the streets in Northamptonshire better for walking and cycling.

Whether you are concerned about the ability to maintain social distance, want a new cycle route, or have ideas for creating quieter residential streets or around schools, we want to hear from you.

Use the map to check what has already been reported or tell us your ideas for measures to help us create better spaces for walking and cycling.

Please share this with residents on any communication channels you use.

Thank you,


Rebecca Miller

Communications manager
Northamptonshire Highways

Brixworth Depot, Harborough Road, Northamptonshire, NN6 9BX
01604 883400

07500 579305
Web: northamptonshire.gov.uk